Code of Ethics


The creation of this Code of Ethics is a conscious undertaking of The Reiki Alliance and its Members to be self-responsible for upholding the values and statements of highest intention which follow. This Code expresses the commitment of Reiki Masters to use their knowledge, skills and art for the benefit of others, to intentionally do no harm, to respect students and clients and to honor ourselves and one another.

This Code clarifies basic principles of being a Reiki Master. For those on this path, it may serve as a source for education and reflection and for self-evaluation, personal healing and healing with one another. For the public this Code may serve to establish expectations for ethical conduct of Reiki Alliance Masters.

Code of Ethics for Reiki Masters of The Reiki Alliance

#1: I treat my parents, partner and children with respect for their individual needs and values.

  • I value my partner and family members supporting my life’s path and my supporting theirs.
  • I value honesty and integrity in relationship.

#2: I treat my students and clients with respect for their dignity, individual needs and values.

  • I work with my students and clients to the best of my ability without prejudice regarding their age, race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, physical abilities, or socioeconomic background.
  • I value my sacred trust created with students and clients by refraining from exploitation involving power or sexual misconduct.
  • I refrain from using my position as a Reiki Master to begin or to intimate future sexual relationship with a student or client.
  • I allow sufficient time to truly change the roles of each party (powerdynamic) before envisioning a romantic or sexual relationship with a student or ex-client.

#3: I respect a student’s right to choose their initiating Master and a client’s right to choose their own forms and path of healing.

  • I respect my Reiki client’s faith in their own doctor or primary care provider.
  • I support my students and clients without allowing my personal judgments to interfere. If I am unable to do this I will recommend that the student or client work with another Reiki Master or Practitioner.

#4: I hold confidential all information about a student or client.

#5: I maintain my awareness.

  • I refrain from abuse of alcohol and drugs.
  • I am aware that my judgment and professional conduct may be impaired by my use of alcohol and drugs. I abstain from these substances during professional activities.

#6: I continually enhance my professional qualifications, knowledge and skills.

  • I recognize my own capabilities and limitations and state them accurately and fairly.

#7: I maintain my trust in Reiki and my community.

  • I cultivate conscious and clear communication and the qualities of loving kindness and honesty. I speak what is true and useful and refrain from speaking what is not.
  • I value my relationship to a process larger than myself, recognizing that healing is something I can give to myself, and can learn from but never control.
  • I support life rather than avoid death.

#8: I respect the property of others, maintain my professional integrity and refrain from the misuse of money.

  • I refrain from professional misconduct including plagiarism, inappropriate omission of information, and making false or deceptive statements.
  • I refrain from using other people’s methods and disciplines professionally before I have my own deep experience with them. I acknowledge their source.

#9: I acknowledge and respect other disciplines and their practitioners.

  • I endeavor to work in cooperation with other Reiki Masters or practitioners of other disciplines and I refrain from slandering, criticizing or otherwise denigrating them.

#10: I take responsibility and accountability for all my decisions and actions as a Reiki Master in society.

  • I realize that all my actions and choices in behavior and communication have a potential effect on others; I teach by my own example.
  • I promptly resolve actual or potential conflicts of interest.

Revised April 1996 in Gersfeld, Germany. Replaces all previous versions.

Resolving Disagreements

In all human relationships, disputes arise. Within the community of The Reiki Alliance, a dispute is a problem to be solved not a battle to be won. Particularly where non-alignment with the Code of Ethics or the Membership Agreement is at the heart of a dispute, the focus of our community is always to lovingly encourage voluntary alignment, inclusion in, rather than exclusion from, The Reiki Alliance. We have found four approaches to problem solving that support honest communication and efficient settlement of disputes within our community. These are negotiation, mediation by a trained mediator, the use of ombudsmen, and, as a last resort, arbitration by the Arbitration Team in which participation by members of The Reiki Alliance is required.

In negotiation, the individuals concerned take personal responsibility for their conflict by exchanging views as well as proposals for its settlement. In mediation their negotiation is assisted by a trained and neutral mediator.

An ombudsman is a neutral fact-finder appointed by the Arbitration Team. The ombudsman finds out what is really going on and makes a report with a recommendation to the Arbitration Team. The Arbitration Team then does its own analysis and makes a recommendation to The Reiki Alliance office, to the Board of Directors, to a committee of The Reiki Alliance, or to another Reiki Alliance entity, as appropriate.

In arbitration a final decision is made by the entire Arbitration Team. This decision is based on an impartial written finding of fact and grounded in the Code of Ethics, Membership Agreement, or other rule of The Reiki Alliance. The Arbitration Team’s decision and recommendation are binding on the individuals in dispute. Individuals involved in disputes who disagree with the Arbitration Team’s decision may appeal.

Implementation of dispute resolution shall be overseen by the Arbitration Team or supervision shall be delegated to its individual members who shall keep all the other Arbitration Team members advised and updated at all times. All communications at all levels are to be held absolutely confidential by everyone involved. The goal is that all levels of dispute resolution are to be accomplished within one year of referral to the Arbitration Team with negotiation, mediation, and investigation by ombudsmen taking one - six months and arbitration, if necessary, taking one - six months.

Since resolution of disputes is so important to the harmony and balance of The Reiki Alliance community, and benefits the entire community, the reasonable expenses of dispute resolution in mediation, in arbitration, and for ombudsmen are borne by The Reiki Alliance. The Arbitration Team will recruit experienced mediators from within The Reiki Alliance community. These mediators will represent the diverse language and cultural groups of our community. Necessary training in mediation will be offered by the members of the Arbitration Team or from outside sources as approved by the Board of Directors.


The Ethics Committee expresses its gratitude to the many world organizations whose ethics documents provided us with inspiration for our own endeavors. A complete listing of these documents may be obtained from The Reiki Alliance. We particularly benefited from the following organizations:

Canadian Nurses Association (Canada)
Confederation of Healing Organizations (Great Britain)
Lawforms, Goodson & Manley, Ltd. (USA)
Midwives’ Alliance of North America (USA/Canada)
Vipassana Teachers’ Collective (USA)

© 1993 by The Reiki Alliance
Adopted: 29 April l993
Revised:  30 April 1995
Revised:  27 April 1996

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